Many stories brought by local train companies

“People rely mostly on automobiles to commute in local areas. We don’t need public transportation.”
“When considering location of new facilities, they should prioritize the number of parking lots rather than how far from stations or bus stops they will be.”
“A 5-minute walk from the station is too far.”
I hear this kind of arguments all the time.
On the other hand, I’ve seen many people using a variety of means of transport such as tram, train and bus daily even in smaller cities in Europe with a population of only hundreds of thousands.

Considering I am also in the car industry, I am not saying which is better. I think It comes down to personal preference.
The way I see it, if we want our city to be diverse and inclusive, there is a need for equally diverse means of transport, easily accessible for both young and old, the disabled, travelers, and even foreign residents ー this is what motivates me as a part of this industry.
This book, written by “local journalist” Terumi Tanaka, puts public transportation under a new, promising light.
She traveled around Japan in search of many stories brought by local train companies.
In chapter 4, she explores the ways in which Kotoden acts as a leading company both as part of the railway industry and the local community.

Click the link below if you would like to have a read.